bistro mirepoix

Instagram / Facebook

Some breakfast, some lunch, mostly brunch

Open Wed through Sunday 8 am - 2pm (Unless Instagram/Google/Facebook says differently)

Note: neither Facebook nor Instagram, nor Google will ever say we are open on Monday & Tuesday even if its a holiday and/or hell freezes over

Walk in only, no reservations

We find ourselves getting awfully busy most days baking all of our fresh sourdough, roasting, grinding, preparing & cutting up all of our own meats as well as making everything possible from scratch, from all of our favourite, local, seasonal, organic (wherever possible) fruits, vegetables & ingredients. It's also worth noting that a large portion of our p’tit, ever changing, chalkboard menu is gluten free & we always have vegetarian dishes alongside meat & potatoes.… but with all this fun going on, we don’t answer the phone nor check our voicemails.

Hope to see you over a benedict sometime soon!
